Saturday, December 9, 2006

Christmas Wish

I wish Christmas could last forever. Not all of it: I could do without the six-day workweek, or the decorations masquerading as religion. But I do like the mall Santa. Who better than St Nicholas's local reincarnation to plead my karmic case to?

"Santa, I've been really good all week: I resisted the urge to write something really funny but a little evil in my blog, and I did a crusty-looking woman's makeup. Can I please have the mechanical bull from Brookstone to round out my robot-arc?" I've attached a photo so you don't get me a thigh-master by accident again.

It would look so good next to the monkey I got last year for being nice to my boyfriend-at-the-time's mom after she started a rumor that I was pregnant.

Oh, and it would be great if people could be nice to each other all year too.


April said...

Dang. I want an igallop, too. The mental image of me riding a robotic bull with a seat barely large enough to hold one of my ass-cheeks is causing me to laugh hard enough to cry. But you don't know me, so this message probably isn't doing it for you.

Ann Schade Ochiltree said...

No, any image of people riding these is cause for tears. And Brookstone puts their testers right in the front of the store for anyone to ride and everyone to laugh at.